Friday, 15 October 2010

A lesson on Photoshop….

 Today we were introduced to Adobe Photoshop.
We began with the basics, as most of us were beginners. We were taught;

-To use such tools as “the stamp/cloning tool using “The A-Team” poster.
The stamp tool allows you to copy certain parts of a poster and to duplicate it and place it elsewhere.

-To edit the area which we copied with the stamp tool to make it fit in well with the poster.
For example, I copied a gun which was held vertically by one character and then placed it in the hands of another character and slightly changed the scale and angle to give the illsuion that it was being held by that other character.

- How to use “the lasso tool (which has different variations) e.g the “magnetic” lasso which is drawn to the silhouette of the object you are copying etc.

After teaching us almost all the tools in the tool bar we confidently continued on in adapting the poster to make it our own.


My name is Arabella Neale.

I board at Hurtwood (Peaslake House). I’m interested in music, singing, acting and of course media.

My favourite genre of film would have to be "dark-comedy" e.g In Bruge.

I decided to study media for AS because I would like to do Broadcasting as a degree. Therefore, it's useful to get to know how the equipment works and to study how people and situations are portrayed throughout media.

I would love to study Broadcasting at Leeds University and I am considering universities in the states. Along with Media I am studying; English, Theatre and Psychology all of which I find very interesting and are useful subjects to study for a Broadcasting degree.
I am looking forward to creating my thriller sequence and hope that I will learn a lot in the process.